Recognition for Our Work

Buds of Christ Charitable Trust has earned the following badges on GlobalGiving

GlobalGiving performs rigorous due diligence on every organization in the GlobalGiving community in order to ensure they are performing charitable work in a transparent and accountable manner, and that they meet local requirements for registration with their local government.
GG collects and review documentation for every organization, including its legal documents, financial records, program materials, and lists of senior staff and board members, in order to validate that the organization is running the project as described. GG also evaluate the organization’s capacity to implement activities, and communicate about its work, and we research the organization’s relationship with previous funders. Finally, GG ensure that the organization is compliant with anti-terror guidelines and international guidelines for philanthropy.
GG conducts a thorough due diligence renewal on all organizations every two years and make every effort to ensure each organization is personally visited by a GlobalGiving representative once every two years.

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