“I don't know, how I am going to study and also look after my parents”
"I really don't know what to do, I feel
cry like crying, I don't know, how I am going to study and also look after my
parents” - expressed Keerthana during the visit at the hospital on the second
day after her parents met with an accident.
Keerthana is the eldest child, 14 years old and living with HIV. Her
younger sister (aged 9 years) and her parents are also living with HIV. Her
father, a lorry driver does not support the family with his income as he spends
most of the earnings on drinking. Keerthana 's mother was the sole earner, who
worked as a coolie worker and supported the family. As the income her mother
brings does not cater to the health and educational needs of Keerthana and her sister,
the family was closely followed up by
Buds of Christ to provide the
psycho-social and the economic support for the family.
Few weeks before Keerthana's parents met with a very severe accident
that caused multiple fractures resulting in bed ridden state for both her
mother and father. In addition Keerthana is currently studying in 10th standard
and is awaiting for her public examination, an important year that decides her future studies.
Buds of Christ provided additional support during the last few weeks
through home visits to support Keerthana in handling the stress of caring her parents,
younger sister and also her own health. Close health monitoring and nutritional
support was provided to the entire family. Keerthana was encouraged to continue
schooling and also care of herself too. Her mother is much better now and able
to support Keerthana in household works.
She has now successfully completed her quarterly exams and is also
more confident in handling the care of her mother, father and her younger sister.
In spite of all the struggled conditions, she is confident in saying;
“I would definitely pass with good grades in the final exams, because
I have the confidence to do it and my friends in the support group are
encouraging me too”.