Successful access to social security scheme of Rs. 1000/- per month from Tamilnadu Government
It has been a year long process for an aged father and her daughter Baby (now 13 years old) in receiving the pension scheme of Rs.1000/- from the government. The application was accepted and the first amount was delivered in august for Baby’s father .The support is a huge support for the family as the sole income was by the father whose wages depended on the day’s work. Over the last six months, his health has been affecting him very much and could not go for work. In that period Buds of Christ was providing the support in helping Baby maintain good health by providing monthly nutritional support with the helping hand of Love India Ministries. Application for the OAP (Old Age Pension) Scheme was put up with the Tahsildar almost a year ago when the OAP amount was Rs 500/month, thanks to the new Govt in Tamilnadu, the approval and the increase in the OAP will really improve the quality of life of Baby and her aged father. This August 2011 the support was awarded to her father. The su...